United Fund Logo
United Fund of Le Sueur, Minnesota Incorporated
P. O. Box 82
Le Sueur, MN 56058

Line-Item Funding Request Form – Year 2026

Line-Item funding requests are submitted approximately one year in advance of actual disbursement of funds. Successful applicants will receive half the funds in June and half the following January.

To be included in our annual budget, organizations must submit this full application and financial disclosure. Please upload a copy of your current budget before submitting.
  - Required

  - (Optional)

  - (Optional)

Organization Name: Date:
Address: Email:
Contact Person: Phone:

Amount of Funding Requested: $

How will the requested funds be used?


Note: questions 1 through 3 and 5 through 9 have a 500 character limit
  1. What is your organization’s mission?

  2. What programs or services did your organization provide in the past year?

  3. What is your target population (age, sex, special interest, etc.)?

  4. How many people have you served in the United Fund area? (count individuals only once)
    Three years ago Two years ago This year

  5. What geographic area does your organization serve?

  6. How are your organization’s programs or services evaluated for effectiveness?

  7. What are the objectives of your organization’s programs or services?

  8. What new or different programs or services does your organization plan to provide?

  9. How will these new or different programs or services be funded?

United Fund of Le Sueur is always looking for ways to publicize the good work happening in our community. Should your project be approved would you be willing to be included in our press releases, promotional materials and other recognition opportunities?

Check this box if you agree to participate. This is optional.


1. What is your Internal Revenue Tax Exempt Number?

2. List the fund raising activities your organization has conducted the past 12 months
Activity Month/Year Conducted Geographic Area Covered Net Revenue

3. Complete the following three-year financial summary.
Last Year Current Year Projected for Next Year
Total Revenue (all sources)
Total Expenses
Percentage of budgeted expenses for salaries and employee benefits

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