September 29th, 2014

Are you throwing money away?

Uncategorized, by admin.

Did you know that the chemical manufacturing industry had more than 5,300 lost time injuries that cost the industry over $401 million in 2012.  This is in addition to the number of lost work days and other untracked costs and productivity lost.  $401 million in one industry, image the total cost of lost time injuries nationwide?  Worldwide?  The dollars lost are staggering.

The dollars lost to injuries are very hard to recoup for any industry.  The best way to save the money is to not lose the money in the first place.  This is done by finding way to mitigate the risks.  We recently read an article that outlines some of ways.

intratrain and inspectiTRAC by Russell Associates can help you with many of the mitigation tasks outlined including.

  • Identify hazards through a good Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
  • Take corrective action.
  • Follow up to verify improvement.
  • Avoid “top-down” approaches where only managers observe and report.
  • Ensure there is no retaliation for reporting
  • Ask everyone on the team to step up

We offer a number of solution designed to help organizations.  Our intRAtrain Safety System components can help.  They include:

  1. Safety Knowledge Assessment/ Study- The assessment will review the current safety program components to determine areas for improvement.
  2. Employee Safety Training- Training provides the basic knowledge of the safety issues and concerns making employees more risk aware.  Training is available is a variety of methods including online, classroom or blended.
  3. Training Documentation- Results of employee training/development are all managed in an online system designed for ease-of-access to results and data.
  4. Behavior-Based Safety Observation Management Software- Behavior observations help engage the employee in the process and provide a level of ownership in the safety program. This software allows for easy management of the process from start to finish.
  5. Safety Hazard Inspection and Audit Management Software- This software manages and tracks the completion of audits and inspections designed to ensure a safe work environment exists.
  6. Corrective Action Management Tool- Response and resolutions of failures discovered during observations, inspections and audits is critical.  This tool allows for easy monitoring and assignment of corrective actions resulting in reduced risk exposure.
  7. Safety Rewards- Employees are encouraged to develop safe work practices and behaviors through proactive safety rewards programs.

Each company and plant has specific risks requiring a customize solution to mitigate the risk. If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you stop throwing money away, visit our websites ( /, then give us a call.

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