May 5th, 2014

Thousands of accidents…. thousands of ways to prevent….

Blended Learning, incentives, inspectiTRAC, Leadership, Safety, Training, by admin.

Each year there are thousands of workplace injuries and accidents.  Thousands of accidents and injuries occur that could be prevented with a comprehensive safety plan that starts with making sure all employees are trained properly.

Companies often worry about the added costs of employee training and supporting documentation, but if the cost means reduced accidents and injuries then the costs are easily recovered.  As we recently read in an article if you take chances with safety eventually the small safety accidents will turn into a larger safety accident that will could cost the companies millions of dollars.  How many times do you want to spin the roulette wheel with the safety for your employees and their safety?

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A basic off-the-shelf comprehensive safety employee program can cost less than $80 dollars a year.  How many years can you spend $80 per employee for their safety training to make up for the cost of one catastrophic accident.

The safety program can easily be improved and the risk reduced by including safety and behavior JSA/JHA based observations, paper-based or automated, inspection and audits to ensure and verity safety policies (paper-based or automated), and proactive incentive programs for employees.  Each adds an additional cost, but reaps an additional reward as well.  Safer Employees.  Improved Moral. Improved Safety Culture.  Better Bottom line.   And a reduced chance of you hitting the unlucky spot on the roulette wheel.

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