Archive for the ‘Blended Learning’ Category

Over 1 million baby boomers are retiring each year.  New talent is entering the workforce and employee development is becoming more critical, but the question remains “What is the best way to reach new talent?” The millennials are the biggest group entering the workforce and they are used to being able to access and learn online or with technology.  intRAtrain by Russell Associates has been an industry leader of online eLearning development for over 35 years.  We understood the importance of developing training with technology before technology was even the norm.  If you are looking to convert or develop eLearning for your organization, give us a call today.  Don’t be left behind any longer.

Forbes recently had an article about a study done by  The study asked a simple question to over 4,800 respondents-  “If you current or most recent job, do you think you could do a better job than your manager?”    Their responses shouldn’t come as a shock, but over 84% felt that “Yes” they could do a better job. The article goes on to discuss some of the reasons “bad” bosses are promoted to leadership positions.  These include promoting the highest performer, the most experience, the best credentials, etc. Leadership development and choosing who is going to be a great leader isn’t always crystal clear, as indicated in the article  the top characteristics of leadership are generally integrity, motivation, passion, knowledge, and experience. Your top leaders can come from any level of your organization.  It is critical to examine the entire organization and allow employee development for all employees who wish to grow and become great.  intRAtrain Blended Learning Solutions offers many development opportunities including opportunities for leadership development.  The knowledge and skills learned during the blended learning sessions are applicable to all levels and organizations.  If you are interested in learning more, visit our website or give us a call. We are also offering a session in conjunction with the MWFPA, view their site to register.

Every employee is different.  Each individual person has their own beliefs, ideals, and motivations for both work and life beyond work.  Because of the individuality of workers, it is often difficult to find methods and procedures that work for everyone.  Employees need to remember that they need to be flexible and adaptable and do the best they can. Employers need to remember that what works for one employee won’t work for all.  Employee training is one area where it is important to find a training solution that optimizes learning for everyone. If employees don’t feel like their employer is committed to develop their knowledge and job skills, they often can become unmotivated. We recently read an interesting article about how to motivate an under performing employee.  Click here to read the article. One way to help with under performance is to make sure that the employee is being trained in both the skill and knowledge areas they need to succeed at their job.  Because each employee is unique it is important to offer a variety of way to gain this knowledge. One solution is using a blended learning approach.  intRAtrain blended learning uses a blend of performance contracting, pre and post assessments, eLearning, classroom learning, practice and application and coaching.  Coaching feedback is important as it can be targeted directly to the employees unique set of needs.  To learn more about intRAtrain BLS and how it might help your organization get the most out of your employees visit

Have you ever wondered, “What exactly has my employee learned?”  We recently read in article in EHS Today about the importance on engagement in employee training.  The author of the article makes some very valid points about how engagement in the learning process is critical to the comprehension and retention of training. The premise of the article is how organizations need to optimize the time they have to engage with learners.  The proposed method is a form on blended learning that allows employees to use the practical skills they are learning in an on the job environment.  In the example discussed, the major component of this blended learning approach was on the job learning. Blended learning when designed correctly is optimal for everyone. One way to maximize blended learning is to include and interactive learning component. Interactive learning can take place in a classroom or via online eLearning. eLearning has the advantage of being available 24/7, while also allowing the learner to proceed at their own pace.  Additionally using eLearning ensures that every student receives the same message and that critical messages are delivered while also receiving reinforcement of skills throughout the module Another critical component of effective blended learning program is feedback coaching.  Coaching can be informal or formal, but regardless of how it is completed coaching is essential.  Coaching is the opportunity to build of strengths, to identify growth areas and to answer questions. Coaching is the component that allows you to answer the question, “What exactly has my employee learned?” If you…

Online vs. Classroom Training- Which is best?   Don’t know?  Well good news-You no longer have to choose!  The discussion about what type of training method is best and produces meaningful measurable results has been around for some time.  Each side has their own opinion and reasoning why their method is best. Blended learning provide learners with the best of both worlds. It can be used to develop employees on topics such as on-boarding, leadership, customer service, decision-making, and safety. Even better, with blended learning employees are more apt to engage in the development process and retain more. EHS Today recently released an article of this specific topic, visit them to read more. Does your organization have experience using a blended learning approach?  We would love to hear from organizations who have made use of blended learning or are looking to use blended learning in the future. intRAtrain has developed blended learning solutions for a wide range of topics, including safety training.  Be sure to stop over to our website to learn more.

Each year there are thousands of workplace injuries and accidents.  Thousands of accidents and injuries occur that could be prevented with a comprehensive safety plan that starts with making sure all employees are trained properly. Companies often worry about the added costs of employee training and supporting documentation, but if the cost means reduced accidents and injuries then the costs are easily recovered.  As we recently read in an article if you take chances with safety eventually the small safety accidents will turn into a larger safety accident that will could cost the companies millions of dollars.  How many times do you want to spin the roulette wheel with the safety for your employees and their safety? levitra brand discount A basic off-the-shelf comprehensive safety employee program can cost less than $80 dollars a year.  How many years can you spend $80 per employee for their safety training to make up for the cost of one catastrophic accident. The safety program can easily be improved and the risk reduced by including safety and behavior JSA/JHA based observations, paper-based or automated, inspection and audits to ensure and verity safety policies (paper-based or automated), and proactive incentive programs for employees.  Each adds an additional cost, but reaps an additional reward as well.  Safer Employees.  Improved Moral. Improved Safety Culture.  Better Bottom line.   And a reduced chance of you hitting the unlucky spot on the roulette wheel.

The safety of employees is a very high priority, often the number one priority of many organizations.  The safety of the employees can be ensured through many different methods including safety climate, safety training and environmental safety practices such as machine guarding and safety equipment.  A recent study done in Australia surveyed pipefitters and plumbers about how leadership affected safety behavior. The results are very interesting and truly demonstrate the importance of strong safety leaders.  According to the survey, safety leaders whose workers admired their character, intelligence and skill had a form of “transformational leadership”.  When these transformational leaders made safety a top priority the workers often did the same as well.  The safety of organizations with this type of leader often has improved and produced better safety results than those with a transactional type leader. Improving the leaders of organizations is often a challenging process, but as shown in this study and many others prior the impact that a leader can have on an organization is remarkable.  To all those leaders who are empowering their employees to grow and be the very best they can be through effective, efficient, and influential leadership, we commend you. There are many ways to develop a leader including online training, workshops, mentoring programs and on-the-job learning.  At Russell Associates, we have found one of the most effective ways to train leaders is through a blended learning approach.  Visit our website to learn more about our innovative approach to leadership training using a blended learning approach.