Archive for September, 2014

September 29th, 2014

Are you throwing money away?

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Did you know that the chemical manufacturing industry had more than 5,300 lost time injuries that cost the industry over $401 million in 2012.  This is in addition to the number of lost work days and other untracked costs and productivity lost.  $401 million in one industry, image the total cost of lost time injuries nationwide?  Worldwide?  The dollars lost are staggering. The dollars lost to injuries are very hard to recoup for any industry.  The best way to save the money is to not lose the money in the first place.  This is done by finding way to mitigate the risks.  We recently read an article that outlines some of ways. intratrain and inspectiTRAC by Russell Associates can help you with many of the mitigation tasks outlined including. Identify hazards through a good Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Take corrective action. Follow up to verify improvement. Avoid “top-down” approaches where only managers observe and report. Ensure there is no retaliation for reporting Ask everyone on the team to step up We offer a number of solution designed to help organizations.  Our intRAtrain Safety System components can help.  They include: Safety Knowledge Assessment/ Study- The assessment will review the current safety program components to determine areas for improvement. Employee Safety Training- Training provides the basic knowledge of the safety issues and concerns making employees more risk aware.  Training is available is a variety of methods including online, classroom or blended. Training Documentation- Results of employee training/development are all managed in an online system designed for ease-of-access…

September 23rd, 2014

Can accidents be eliminated?

No Comments, Safety, Training, by admin.

There has always been a goal to eliminate accidents in manufacturing and in business workplace in general.  Numerous initiatives and strategies have been implemented, but the fact is accidents continue to occur.  We recently read an interesting article about General Electric’s new approach to workplace safety and found it very interesting.  I invite you to read more about it. It is interesting to note that they used a form of observation and data tracking to determine the critical points in their facility that needed attention.  Observation has long been used to attempt to change individual behaviors, but is now being used as a method of organization / procedural change.  GE identified the risks through the use of observations and inspections, used root cause analysis to solve the problem, then made changes to help solve the issue.  The ability to solve or reduce the problem area could have been a physical, mechanical, or training issue, but regardless of how the problem is solved the important fact is they found a way to make difference. One of our products, inspectiTRAC, assists organizations with observations, inspections and audits.  The results of the observations are available immediately for easy data access and response.  If trending data is important, data can also be monitored over a period of time to track and monitor concern areas.   Quicker response time means corrective actions can be implemented sooner, which is better for you, your employees, and your customers.

If you work in safety then the rules and regulations of OSHA are never far from your mind.  Each year OSHA issues thousands of citations.  Being prepared and aware of potential issues that you might face is one way to be prepared.  Another is knowing the areas that OSHA most often issues citations.  EHS magazine has posted a list of the Top 10 most issued citations.   Click here to view them. Another way to be prepared and prevent OSHA citations is by ensuring employees are properly trained.  There is safety training available for many topics including almost all of the top 10 citation areas.  If you are looking for safety training that is based on OSHA standards visit our website to learn more,  intRAtrain safety training is both information, interesting and a good value.

Every employee is different.  Each individual person has their own beliefs, ideals, and motivations for both work and life beyond work.  Because of the individuality of workers, it is often difficult to find methods and procedures that work for everyone.  Employees need to remember that they need to be flexible and adaptable and do the best they can. Employers need to remember that what works for one employee won’t work for all.  Employee training is one area where it is important to find a training solution that optimizes learning for everyone. If employees don’t feel like their employer is committed to develop their knowledge and job skills, they often can become unmotivated. We recently read an interesting article about how to motivate an under performing employee.  Click here to read the article. One way to help with under performance is to make sure that the employee is being trained in both the skill and knowledge areas they need to succeed at their job.  Because each employee is unique it is important to offer a variety of way to gain this knowledge. One solution is using a blended learning approach.  intRAtrain blended learning uses a blend of performance contracting, pre and post assessments, eLearning, classroom learning, practice and application and coaching.  Coaching feedback is important as it can be targeted directly to the employees unique set of needs.  To learn more about intRAtrain BLS and how it might help your organization get the most out of your employees visit