Archive for March, 2012

The best plans take time and money!  The Food and Drug Administration continues its slow and steady rollout of FSMA that will be laid out over the next five years. The FDA is planning to issue more than 50 new rules, add inspectors and ramp up oversight efforts to the tune of $1.4 billion. These new rules and regulations are to ensure the healthy and safety of…YOU and your family.  Our new inspection software can make regulations a little easier to manage, inspectiTRAC™ can automate all types of food processor observations, inspections, and audits.  One major food company calculated a potential labor savings of 90% compared to manual, paper-based inspections and audits, with a payback of three to six months. 

We’ve all thought, at one point or another, that we could improve our auditing processes.  I came across an interesting article that will help you with 6 steps to an effective continuous audit process. inspectiTRAC is the tool to make the process more efficient! The tablet-based technology will help expedite corrective actions, eliminate errors and save time and money. 

This article reinforces what I believe makes an employee remarkable. These people have a positive impact in their companies, their families, and in the social circles they frequent. Jerry Van Oort – Shared using Google Toolbar

Are you concerned about the safety of food?  With the recent closing of over 250 USSA offices, it is very important that companies continue to improve internal processes and vigilance of their food safety and inspection processes. Want to reduce labor and paper cost? Take the first step by checking out inspectiTRAC. inspectiTRAC can help you be more efficient, reducing labor and paper costs, and more effective, by improving data accuracy.

This article raises several thought provoking questions including food safety considerations. When you consider the materials used in conventional data collection, i.e., clipboards, paper, and pencils, the pros would outweigh the cons, considering the ability to clean and sanitize a ruggedized tablet. Russell Associates recommends using the Motion F5V Tablet ( with its inspectiTRACTM inspection application- ( – test

The process outlined in this blog posting will eliminate “The Call of Shame” and dramatically improve the results from each call. How do the practices followed by your sales team compare to this process? Russell Associates has the programs, systems, experts, and experience to assist you in evaluating your current practices and work  with you in designing, developing, and implementing a customized performance improvement program including training, testing, observations, coaching feedback, and measurements to evaluate impact on behaviors and results. Good Selling, Jerry Van Oort CEO at Russell Associates

I agree with Fred’s recommendations and approach to sources of information for developing inspections in this LinkedIn posting Our company, Russell Associates, has developed a Windows’ tablet based application for automating data collection for observations, inspections, and audits and a cloud based manager site for reporting, scheduling, and managing with the data. Improving data accuracy, reducing paper usage, paper storage costs, reducing data collection time, data entry teim, and data retrieval time and costs are some of the benefits of using inspectiTRAC> – Shared using Google Toolbar

It has been our experience at Russell Associates, that creating a desirable food safety culture requires a comprehensive approach that starts with the on-boarding process and includes effective training and testing that is reinforced consistently by supervisors and managers with good leadership, coaching, and interpersonal communication skills. Continues reinforcement through training, testing to measure comprehension, and the use of behavior observations, inspections, and audits to evaluate behaviors and practices complete the circle of performance improvement. – Shared using Google Toolbar