Archive for July, 2013

Russell Associates has 30 plus years of experience helping companies prepare for the unexpected. Competitive pressures, government regulations, technology shifts, market changes, raw material shortages and tight margins are all pressures that companies deal with on a daily basis. At Russell Associates, we believe the success or failure of a company is not determined as much by what happens….but by how the corporation responds. We can all think of companies that responded well to a crisis and ones that did not. What differentiates companies that deal successfully with the pressures of business and an unexpected crisis from those that do not? At Russell Associates, we believe a company that has the organizational depth and talent to respond….with speed….is much more likely to succeed in today’s challenging economic environment. Much of what happens to a company is out of their control. What is in their control is that they have made strategic investments in their most important resource….their employees… they are ready and able to deal with any situation that arises. Successful Employees result in… Regulatory Compliance + Increased Productivity + Increased Safety + Improved Efficiencies + Increased Profitability = Successful Businesses. It all adds up!