Archive for December, 2014

Day after day, employees are asked to be safe while also continuing to produce at a set pace or meet a quota set by management. Doing both things well is often difficult, with one often being ignored at the benefit of the other. One way some companies are working to achieve a balance is offer incentive programs for employees.  When developing programs it is critical that a proactive approach be taken that encourage production and safety while not focusing only on injury rates/etc.  Programs that focus on recordable injury numbers can mean that employees fear reporting injuries, a critical aspect of safety compliance. In addition to motivation another contributor to the safety and productivity connection is behavior-based safety training.  It is critical that employees are trained throughout the year to continue to reinforce good safety behaviors.  Safety training that is completed on a one time and done basis with limited employee engagement, no measurement of comprehension and verification of safety behaviors, often results in higher safety incident rates and reduced productivity due to lost time incidents. If you are interested in how interactive behavior-based safety training and proactive safety incentives programs can help increase your productivity, reduce the Total Incident Rate (TIR) and improve your bottom line, please give Russell Associates a call.  We have been working with companies for over 35 years develop and design solutions to some of their stickiest problems.

Forbes recently had an article about a study done by  The study asked a simple question to over 4,800 respondents-  “If you current or most recent job, do you think you could do a better job than your manager?”    Their responses shouldn’t come as a shock, but over 84% felt that “Yes” they could do a better job. The article goes on to discuss some of the reasons “bad” bosses are promoted to leadership positions.  These include promoting the highest performer, the most experience, the best credentials, etc. Leadership development and choosing who is going to be a great leader isn’t always crystal clear, as indicated in the article  the top characteristics of leadership are generally integrity, motivation, passion, knowledge, and experience. Your top leaders can come from any level of your organization.  It is critical to examine the entire organization and allow employee development for all employees who wish to grow and become great.  intRAtrain Blended Learning Solutions offers many development opportunities including opportunities for leadership development.  The knowledge and skills learned during the blended learning sessions are applicable to all levels and organizations.  If you are interested in learning more, visit our website or give us a call. We are also offering a session in conjunction with the MWFPA, view their site to register.

The FSMA has been an ever-changing topic since it was announced.  Over time, the process has changed and new features, rules, qualifications and standards have been added or removed.  Each time something changes critical time must be taken to understand and comply with the new standards.  Food Safety News released a listing of critical dates related to food issues.  I invite you to view this article to check for any issues concerning your business.   Additionally, as time passes, it may be a wise decision to keep up to date on these issues.  The White House/ U.S. General Services Administration keeps a website that helps provide up-to-date information about Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Activities. Check is out at :