June 18th, 2014

Are you employees engaged in their training?

Blended Learning, Safety, Training, by admin.

Have you ever wondered, “What exactly has my employee learned?”  We recently read in article in EHS Today about the importance on engagement in employee training.  The author of the article makes some very valid points about how engagement in the learning process is critical to the comprehension and retention of training.

The premise of the article is how organizations need to optimize the time they have to engage with learners.  The proposed method is a form on blended learning that allows employees to use the practical skills they are learning in an on the job environment.  In the example discussed, the major component of this blended learning approach was on the job learning. Blended learning when designed correctly is optimal for everyone.

One way to maximize blended learning is to include and interactive learning component. Interactive learning can take place in a classroom or via online eLearning. eLearning has the advantage of being available 24/7, while also allowing the learner to proceed at their own pace.  Additionally using eLearning ensures that every student receives the same message and that critical messages are delivered while also receiving reinforcement of skills throughout the module

Another critical component of effective blended learning program is feedback coaching.  Coaching can be informal or formal, but regardless of how it is completed coaching is essential.  Coaching is the opportunity to build of strengths, to identify growth areas and to answer questions. Coaching is the component that allows you to answer the question, “What exactly has my employee learned?”

If you are looking to implement a blended learning approach to your training, give intratrain by Russell Associates a call or visit our website at www.intratrain.com.  We have a blended learning system designed specifically designed for soft skills training.

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