I’ve always believed that employees enjoy their job more when they are given the tools and opportunity to advance.  And when you see the “boss” taking the same steps to further him/herself it’s reassuring.  A week ago, I came across this article that really focuses on that.  Hope you enjoy!


One of the easiest ways to empower employees to continue learning is to provide the opportunity to learn and grow.  One of the ways to accomplish this is through online learning.  Online learning can be delivered via an LMS that allows learning to occur on the employee’s schedule.  If you’re thinking about eLearning for your company, try intRAtrain LMS and TotalTrain for your course needs.

How important is a systematic approach to inspections and audits for your company? Can you afford not to “inspect what you expect” in SOP’s, GMP’s, food safety, HAACP plan compliance, and general safety? After reading the article, “But I thought it was being done- Inspecting the expected”, in Fastcasual.com, go to www.inspectiTRAC.com and learn about a new exciting tablet based system for automating and mobilizing the data collection process for inspections and audits.


Which company would you rather work for?  The one where training feels like an inconvenience, or the one where everyone is happy to be there and time flies because training is fun.

Here is an article I came across the other day and just had to share.


One of the ways to make training convenient is to offer it via eLearning on an LMS.  Training delivered via a Learning Management System allows those being trained the opportunity to take training on their schedule.  It also lets them go back and review when they want or need.  If you’re looking for a new LMS, take a look at intRAtrain.  It allows you to easily set-up, track, test and manage your training online.  Start today with a free trial.

It’s never a good sign if you are pulling out hair in frustration.  Here’s a little insight into what may be causing the LMS frustration and it may surprise you!


If you are experiencing this dissatisfaction and are ready to try something new, I suggest you try intRAtrain LMS.  Our robust, easy-to-use system is ready for you to try today.  

It’s never a good sign if you are pulling out hair in frustration.  Here’s a little insight into what may be causing the LMS frustration and it may surprise you!


If you are experiencing this dissatisfaction and are ready to try something new, I suggest you try intRAtrain LMS.  Our robust, easy-to-use system is ready for you to try today.  

January 4th, 2012

Finding the Right LMS

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Have you asked yourself, how do I find the right Learning Management System? I’ve recently come across this article that might shed some light on that question.


Think you are ready to start using an LMS?  Or to try a new LMS?  Begin using intRAtrain today!  Sign up and begin your free trial.  

December 8th, 2011

The ABCs of Selling

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ABC’s of Selling

I found this post helpful, and thought that you may as well! The content is gleaned from a great online community that I belong to – Keith Ferrazzi’s myGreenlight (http://www.mygreenlight.com). It is a great social learning atmosphere that truly teaches the value of growing deep, intimate relationships, and sharing generosity to help others, while helping yourself in business.
The post recently shared on Keith’s blog is a fantastic excerpt from Harvey Mackay’s new book – The Mackay MBA of Selling in the Real World.
From Keith:
As today’s post, I give you a taste of the new book with Harvey’s ABCs of Selling – I encourage you to tweet one of these, or make it today’s mantra!

A – Availability for your customers is essential, so they can reach you with questions, concerns or reorders.

B – Believe in yourself and your company, or find something else to sell.

C – Customers aren’t always right, but if you want to keep them as your customers, find a way to make them right.

D – Deliver more than you promise.

E – Educations is for life – never stop learning.

F – Follow up and follow through. Never leave a customer hanging.

G – Goals give you a reason to go to work every day. When you reach your goals, set higher ones!

H – Humanize your selling strategy by learning everything you can about your customers.

I – I is the least important letter in selling.

J – Join trade organizations and community groups that will help you both professionally and personally, such as Toastmasters, Chamber of Commerce or Junior Achievement.

K – Know your competitors and their products as well as you know your own.

L – Listen to your customers or they’ll start talking to someone else.

M – Maybe is the worst answer a customer can give. No is better than maybe. Find out what you can do to turn it into a yes.

N – Networking is among the most important skills a salesperson can develop. Someone you know knows someone you need to know.

O – Opportunities are everywhere. Keep your antennae up.

P – Price is not the only reason customers buy your product, but it’s a good reason.

Q – Quality can never be sacrificed if you want to keep your customers satisfied.

R – Relationships are precious: They take time to develop and are worth every minute you invest in them.

S – Service is spelled “serve us” in companies that want to stay in business for a long time.

T – Trust is central to doing business with anyone. Without it, you have another word that begins with T: Trouble.

U – Unlimited potential is possible whether you sell computers or candy. You are the only one who can limit your potential.

V – Volunteer: It’s always good to give back. You’ll probably find that you get more than you give, and there is no shortage of organizations that need your help.

W – Winning doesn’t necessarily mean beating everyone else. A win-win situation is the best of both worlds.

X – X-ray and catscan your customers so that you know everything about them – so you can serve them better.

Y – You is a word your customers need to hear often, as in “What can I do for you?”

Z – Zeal is a critical element in your presentations, service and life in general. Let your enthusiasm

November 22nd, 2011

Check out our New website!!

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We’ve given our website a complete makeover.  Check it out at www.intratrain.com.

Please, tell us what you think.   What features do you want to see more of?  Less of? How else can we improve?

November 16, 2011

Russell Associates recently launched a new blog to go along with our brand new website!  Our old blog will still be located on Posterous, as we will still be using that site to collectively submit new information in our social spaces.  However, this blog hosted on WordPress will be home base for our online content sharing needs.

Russell Associates is a training and consulting firm serving Agribusiness and Food Processing industries with custom e-learning, instructor led, safety, and process training through a variety of delivery methods.