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Poster #1 - Manufacturing Safety Poster
This poster depicts over 25 safety issues. Use the poster as a training aid in safety "toolbox" talks, initiate a contest to see how many violations employees can find, post it on the bulletin board, or as a reminder to employees of violations that often occur. Using the poster as the basis, come up with your own creative ideas for its use at your organization.  Did we mention that we include the Key” so you will know the violations employees should be able to identify?

Poster #2 - Office Etiquette and Safety Poster
Not all safety violations occur in the plant. As this poster shows there are many violations that can appear in the office environment, along with violations of company policies, harassment, etc. Like Poster #1, this poster can be used for safety meetings, posted on the bulletin board or as part of a contest. Or, using the poster as the basis, come up with your own creative ideas. There are over 25 issues depicted. Did we mention that we include the Key” so you will know the violations employees should be able to identify?

Russell Associates "Sticky Notes" Newsletter
The newsletter contains relevant information on issues important to businesses, including product promotion and articles on training, management, and other timely topics. You will receive each publication of the newsletter by email.  Click here to register now!

Effective Use of Employee On-Boarding
This article covers the basics of employee on-boarding - what it is, the evolution of on-boarding, who is responsible, statistics that help confirm the importance of the process, and how to implement your employee on-boarding system. 

Maximizing Training ROI Checklist
To help maximize training efforts, Russell Associates created a valuable one-page checklist that sequences and describes the activities to be followed to help ensure a positive return on your training investment.

