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Keys of Safety Overview

Keys of Safety is a complete process for developing, managing and sustaining a Safety culture, by focusing efforts and resources on factors that count most towards preventing injuries and illnesses.  It also provides a tool for measuring performance in areas where the only data is “after-the-fact”!   Keys of Safety is a process with a definite planned and organized effort, whose purpose is to support all personnel to work in cooperative effort to prevent accidents.

Modules within Keys of Safety include:
•    Accountability
•    Strategic PlanningSafetykeys
•    Compliance
•    Safe Practices
•    Hazard Identification
•    Training
•    Behavioral Safety
•    Performance Tracking

Companies look to Russell Associates to develop and implement a comprehensive solution for their employee safety program. The Keys of Safety process has been validated by several large companies and it works!  Dropping Recordable Injury Rates from over 10 to under 1, together with dramatically reduced costs associated with those injuries!

Our safety strategy focuses on three critical components: People, Process and Commitment.


  • People are the most important element of our safety program.  Employees are accountable for following procedures, actively participating in training, identifying hazards and implementing corrective measures.
  • It is necessary to educate employees to work safely.  Effective training programs to teach, motivate, and sustain safety knowledge are required to prevent injuries and occupational illnesses.
  • Each person is responsible.  Personal safety and the safety of co-workers is the responsibility of each of us.


  • Injuries and occupational illnesses can be prevented.  Injuries and illnesses will be investigated to determine and eliminate the root cause to prevent future occurrences.  Uniform metrics will track frequency and severity to drive improvement.  Exposures can be controlled.
  • Safety assessments are conducted.  Reviews of facilities and programs are conducted to confirm effectiveness, identify best practices and to detect problems or weaknesses.  Deficiencies will be addressed.
  • Compliance with safety laws and regulations is required. In many cases we will exceed these standards however we accept them as a minimum acceptable requirement.


  • Management is accountable for safety.  A safety management process provides a safe work environment, disciplined process enforcement, and a framework for continuous improvement.  Proper safety management requires defining and meeting standards of performance.
  • Working safely is a condition of employment.   Safety is an integral part of every job.   Working safely and seeking to eliminate hazards is a part of every employee’s job.

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Keys of Safety Information

Safety Consultation Evaluation

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about safety audits, inspections, and observations.