Ninety-two percent (92%) of stand-alone training programs deliver less than a 1:1 return on investment. Blended learning – done effectively – significantly enhances your training ROI. intRAtrain™ Blended Learning is a proven six-phase performance system that brings novice or experienced learners to performance mastery faster and with greater motivation than traditional “training programs.”
It combines:
1. Pre-Knowledge Assessment- to establish the current level of knowledge and understanding of the learner
2. Performance Contracting- to set the desired behavior change; raise accountability
3. eLearning- that maximizes knowledge transfer
4. Live Workshop- to increase interaction/involvement and optimizes skill development
- Workshop component can be delivered as a live workshop or using web technology as a series of virtual classes
5. Post-Knowledge Assessment- to ensure all participants learned the critical and need-to-know information and to establish the current level of knowledge and understanding of the learner
6. Virtual Coaching/Reinforcement- that ensure ongoing focus and extend the behavior and performance change process
Use of a blended learning approach can reduce total workshop training time is reduced by 20 to 40% by using eLearning to teach the learning models/concepts. Workshop time is focused on essential actions and application to work situations.
Ultimately, training should enhance knowledge and change behaviors. Every learner deserves a method that suits his/her innate learning preference. In training, we recognize the diversity or our workforce and address appropriate need and learning preferences. This system, tailored to the specific needs of your company, adheres to the principles and traditions of hard work, integrity and commitment.
intRAtrain™ Blended learning is here to ensure your training investment achieves maximum, measurable results! Blended learning delivered via the Performance Breakthrough Model – is the core power of what makes our intRAtrain™ Blended Learning so powerful. It maximizes individual learning preferences. Participants will learn more, faster, and have the greatest likelihood discarding undesired behaviors and embracing success behaviors. If training does not result in more desirable participant behaviors, how is it helping your organization?
Get in touch with us to learn how we can help you and your company: