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iMPACT Features and Benefits

tower w_picsintRAtrain™ Management Platform for Animal Caretaker Training (iMPACT) is revolutionizing the way animal producers conduct training, testina and documention with employees.


Training is available online - reducing time off-site, increasing productivity, and reducing training cost.  Variability is reduced as employees receive the same message - every time!


No more shuffling papers to find your training records!  All training records and employee observations can be stored digitally, just clicks away.

Growing Content Base:

iMPACT is the Platform for Training, Testing, and Documentation.  It becomes the go-to-platform for excellence in the agriculture industry for building Knowledge, Skills, & Accountability.  New training will be added.

Custom Content:

Every operation has unique training needs. With iMPACT you now have the ability to custom create learning resources, provide them to your employees, and document their completion.




Get in touch with us to learn how we can help you and your company:

